- Easy 12 km
- 4,5 hours walking time
- 65 positive altitude meters
- Water is available by the convenience shop, the campground and at Rånö hman
Ferry quay by Rånö Källan
When you step off the Waxholm ferry at the ferry quay, walk about 100 meters up the gravel road. There you will find the EXPEDITION, the summer grocery store, and the summer restaurant “Rånö Källan.” This is where all services on Rånö are located: accommodation, food, and activities..
Here, you can also decide whether to go to the holiday village and Knicksand or if you will go for a hike.
We will go for a hike. We head north on the gravel road.
Rånö Källan to Rånö Gård
2.8 km. Easy gravel road with a trail option.
Go north on the gravel road from Rånö Källan to a junction after 300 meters. There, SAT goes to the right.
If you follow the gravel road straight ahead, you will reach Skutviken and the fire pit at Harviken.
Let’s go to the right following the trail markings. Along the gravel road, it passes through beautiful forest until you come to an open field on the left side.
There, you have the option to either continue on the gravel road toward the campground or turn left onto a marked trail that meets up with the same gravel road further ahead after the campground.
The Gravel Road Ahead
We continue on the gravel road. It takes you to the campground after 1.5 km from Rånö Källan. A very nice, open area down towards the water to the east (on the right side of the road). There is a nice fire pit near the water.
From the campground, the trail continues on the gravel road until the forest opens up on the right side to a large open field and pastures.
The alternative trail also joins the gravel road from the left here.
The Alternative Trail
At the earlier open field, turn left onto the trail instead of continuing on the gravel road toward the campground.
Follow the signs and markings. After about 200 meters, the open area becomes a narrow forest road. Continue north for another 200 meters until you reach the power lines. Turn left (northeast) under the power line. This area is very nice and full of mushrooms in the autumn. After about 600 meters, the trail turns right past a forest road turnaround and onto a new forest path that leads you out to the gravel road.
From the gravel road at the corner of the field and pastures, continue north toward Rånö Gård, which is on the right side of the gravel road. Just before you arrive, there is a junction where a gravel road goes left between the pastures, towards a beautiful old house.
Here, you can choose to either go left on the gravel road or go straight ahead to the part of the trail on the map that goes to the northern tip of Rånö and then back.
Let’s go north first and then we can head back here.
Rånö Gård to Northern Rånö
Forest road and some trail. Easy. 1.4 km.
This stretch must be walked back and forth. The northern tip of Rånö is a nice excursion.
Walk past the junction and Rånö Gård. Up the hill on the gravel road towards the barn.
Walk on the right side of the barn through the gate. Make sure it’s closed. Continue on the forest road for about 800 meters.
Along the way on the left side, you’ll see a sign with a trail that goes down to a nice beach.
SAT continues straight ahead on the forest road until you reach a larger clearing with water on the right side. Here, a trail goes to the left and turns north. Take this trail for about 200 meters until you reach the northern point. There is afire pit here. It is easy to stay in this place for a long time.
Then you must walk back to the starting point at the junction by Rånö Gård.
The Junction Just South of Rånö Gård
Looking north, you have Rånö Gård on the right and the gravel road that goes left towards the large, beautiful house. Where you stood before making the detour north to Northern Rånö.
The Junction to the Trail at Skutviken
3.1 km. Hilly gravel road with rough, new gravel from Rånö harbor to Harviken.
Turn onto the gravel road towards the beautiful house. This is now a summer sailing school, but the house is a hunting lodge from the early 1900s.
The gravel road continues past towards Rånö harbor. Here you will find a water spigot on the left side with drinking water.
When you come up the hill before the barn, you see on the left side a sign with arrows in two directions. One goes into the forest road on the left and one continues along the gravel road.
The one that goes into the forest road goes straight down to the open area before the campground. See it as a quick way back or a way to split the section in two.
We continue on the gravel road that winds to Harviken. There is a very nice sandy beach with a fire pit about 50 meters to the right.
From here, the gravel road continues back to Rånö Källan where we started.
But the hiking trail takes a detour. Onto a beautiful trail to the right after 3.1 km from the junction by Rånö Gård. Onto the trail at Skutviken and its beautiful swimming cliffs.
The Trail at Skutviken to Rånö Källan
Forest trail and then gravel road. Easy but not accessible for strollers or wheelchairs. 1.1 km.
Turn right off the gravel road onto a forest trail that goes down the rocks to the innermost part of Skutviken. Here, the trail turns left and goes through a clear-cut area. It is open and airy. After 500 meters, the trail reaches a gravel road. Turn right if you want to go around the corner to the holiday village in Knicksand and to beautiful beaches along the coast towards Mysingen.
We go left on the gravel road. About 600 meters back to Rånö Källan and the grocery store.
Now you are back where you started.