OTTO @CFF g DSIG+GPOS aFGSUBo]v\D0OS/2>z0`cmapV|4headc 6hhea$hmtx:zZgt4maxp P(namepO#post2 _<+a9Qa P XKX^2 @ JMONO9Q1 "; ; E2Q5  c , ; E ; E ; v (  F dR * 0 * j  * z     X     FCopyright 2013 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved.Futura StdBook ObliqueMonotype Imaging Inc.:Futura Std Book Oblique:2013Futura Std Book ObliqueVersion 2.000 Build 1000FuturaStd-BookObliqueFutura is a registered trademark of Bauer Types, S.A.Monotype Imaging Inc.Paul, Renner"First presented by the Bauer Type Foundry in 1928, Futura is commonly considered the major typeface development to come out of the Constructivist orientation of the Bauhaus movement in Germany. Paul Renner (type designer, painter, author and teacher) sketched the original drawings and based them loosely on the simple forms of circle, triangle and square. The design office at Bauer assisted him in turning these geometric forms into a sturdy, functioning type family, and over time, Renner made changes to make the Futura fonts even more legible. Its long ascenders and descenders benefit from generous line spacing. The range of weights and styles make it a versatile family. Futura is timelessly modern; in 1928 it was striking, tasteful, radical - and today it continues to be a popular typographic choice to express strength, elegance, and conceptual clarity."This font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software.If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype by clicking here: www.monotype.comItalicCopyright 2013 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved.Futura Std BookItalicMonotype Imaging Inc.:Futura Std Book Oblique:2013FuturaStd-BookObliqueVersion 2.000 Build 1000Futura is a registered trademark of Bauer Types, S.A.Monotype Imaging Inc.Paul, Renner"First presented by the Bauer Type Foundry in 1928, Futura is commonly considered the major typeface development to come out of the Constructivist orientation of the Bauhaus movement in Germany. Paul Renner (type designer, painter, author and teacher) sketched the original drawings and based them loosely on the simple forms of circle, triangle and square. The design office at Bauer assisted him in turning these geometric forms into a sturdy, functioning type family, and over time, Renner made changes to make the Futura fonts even more legible. Its long ascenders and descenders benefit from generous line spacing. The range of weights and styles make it a versatile family. Futura is timelessly modern; in 1928 it was striking, tasteful, radical - and today it continues to be a popular typographic choice to express strength, elegance, and conceptual clarity."This font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software.If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype by clicking here: www.monotype.comFutura StdBook Oblique   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`aghjmuzi{bcfy| endolqrspwxvz@: ~1BSax~    " & 0 : D !!"!&!.""""""""+"H"`"e% 1AR`x}    & 0 9 D !!"!&!.""""""""+"H"`"d%b RSB?n5Q߽ޮޕޓ?tb{~t|}2FuturaStd-BookOblique.GCD EF 3ZJ-!/8AMW^go $+29@G .nullCRuni00A0grave.capacute.capcircumflex.capcaron.captilde.capdieresis.capmacron.capuni02C9breve.capring.caphungarumlaut.capdotaccent.capuni00ADuni2219Eurouni2215notequalapproxequallessequalgreaterequalDeltaOmegauni03A9uni03BCpiafii61289estimatedinfinitypartialdiffintegralradicalsummationproductlozengeuni20B9uni20BAuni1E9ECopyright 2013 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved."First presented by the Bauer Type Foundry in 1928, Futura is commonly considered the major typeface development to come out of the Constructivist orientation of the Bauhaus movement in Germany. Paul Renner (type designer, painter, author and teacher) sketched the original drawings and based them loosely on the simple forms of circle, triangle and square. The design office at Bauer assisted him in turning these geometric forms into a sturdy, functioning type family, and over time, Renner made changes to make the Futura fonts even more legible. Its long ascenders and descenders benefit from generous line spacing. The range of weights and styles make it a versatile family. Futura is timelessly modern; in 1928 it was striking, tasteful, radical - and today it continues to be a popular typographic choice to express strength, elegance, and conceptual clarity."Futura Std Book ObliqueFutura Std002.000h 7|Bm}~y`{Aiwukjxotrpfsgaedcz  |`%@*C[ .H+Z ] T  }  K o (y]Af.ZtQUO[`+mG6L:=&S  n !@!"9"#M#$`$%%w%&d&' 'I'(() )*%*+@+,/,----..-.~./&//0C01I12Y23Y344W45#5\556~667777V7u7778/8i888899B9{99::&:I:b:::;-;;<<'>a??]?}@@AABB|C!CCDLDDDEeEEFF~GBHHH]HHI7IIJJޮ|!%9V&(_ جw;peneF^bp ALZl9#RsVmwKmioww@IWk`|-19+6H׭z؄ےܘ88,owC+>C2;:~:q8Z8:,iN`ww_ { hCe!^ ϸF"~ Z mk__~=_k_____Z@`*u-E`mAaZ~0vnvoliofvq`1j<mLN~ .J**EeJnmnn8:R['a )5  ppo s6Bv8qS= 8 3 ,rYBDXRkl-+|~b@ 4CiԝڭYV&L\ =`E=BB4ETА9{"G oVѮɖ\=`x`.U~ 1}:I6b}cxiLgA\:HSp@[6YL!+:H~q5~wxKC_F1.8!&. 6sqzg~v#4LK9#/%vEC>=0d~u^?"SXp1dV20?, oR̭͖|YNѵVT5>G>RCV׽VE06?5v 02%2 /h`֦•?4KHgK@W 1פ-p6UF F8ϿtX1F5k0?V6t @ )'R<ZĭtPgv8 b=J 88LG~EwUAnogt? 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